Track Radio & TV airplay

Know who is playing your song and who is not – get instant notifications and reports on SongBoost.

Works for 311 stations in Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Nigeria.

Getting Started

1. Install the SongBoost App
Get the SongBoost app from Google Play or Play Store. Follow the prompts and sign-in to SongBoost using your phone number and the one time pass we send you.

2. Upload Songs
Add your name and avatar to your profile for easy identification. Submit your first song through the app. Common audio formats are supported e.g. MP3, WAV.

3. Enjoy Charts for Free
Your song will start being monitored by SongBoost and will start showing up in our airplay charts based on how it is performing on the airwaves. Charts are available on the app even without an active subscription.

4. Subscribe for More
Pay your subscription to see your detailed airplay information and reports. You can do this as an individual or as a team.

Monthly Subscription Fees


Airplay Monitoring
KES 1900 Per Month


Airplay Monitoring
UGX 40K Per Month

Why you should use songBoost

1. Monitor Radio/TV Airplay
Monitor your music get notified every time it is played on the radio and TV stations that we cover.

2. Track the Charts
See where your songs fall on each station that plays them e.g. #1 on Capital FM. That way you know where you need to add promo effort. Check out our most popular charts; Now Trending, Weekly Top 40, Top 100 Songs of the Year, or see our full Chart List.

3. Discover Top Local Content Stations
Get to know which stations in your country play local music the most. Additionally see which songs are on high rotation on those stations.

A few of Our clients

Top music labels in East Africa use our data for insights to get ahead.

Our Mission

Our mission is to get Radio and TV data into the hands of every active musician.

Data is important for planning, for earning, for transparency, and to reduce exploitation.

In addition to the data, SongBoost in partnership with select media houses provides promo opportunities for musicians to accelerate discovery of their new releases.

Get started today

Install the SongBoost app from Google Play or App Store for a free trial.