3 Reasons: Start Tracking Your Radio Airplay Today

3 Reasons: Start Tracking Your Radio Airplay Today

The SongBoost app, available on Android and iOS, makes it easy for you to track your radio airplay across Africa. Here are 3 reasons why you should install the app and start tracking your radio airplay today.

1. Monetization: Claim Royalties
Collection societies in different countries collect royalty fees from businesses that utilize music for commercial purposes e.g. radio stations, TV stations, hotels, venues, e.t.c. They then periodically distribute these royalties to musicians that have registered as their members. Radio airplay data gives you concrete evidence based on which you as a musician or manager can engage your collection society to understand the basis of what they are paying out to you, or why they are not paying out to you. This will be a more productive discussion if you have concrete data.

2. Promotion: Target Music Deliveries & Media Tours
The most important part of music promotion is targeting. You have to be sure that you’re talking to people that care about what you have to offer. Radio airplay data will give you the list of stations that have played any of your music over the last year. If you’re a new artist, this will be a list of recommended radio stations that play content similar to yours. This is the list of radio stations you should prioritize new music delivery to, and it’s the list of radio stations you should prioritize pursuing interviews on. These stations will be more open to you compared to stations that have never heard of you or your music. Going out without data to simply any radio station you can reach will result in more No than Yes.

3. Accountability: Do More of What Works
If you have a mass-media music promotions team, radio airplay data will help you assess if they are doing their job effectively or not. They will also know when to change tactics based on accurate information of what’s working and what’s not. Without the data, you’re simply shooting in the dark hoping that what you’re doing will work.

To get started with radio airplay monitoring across Africa, install the SongBoost app for Android or iOS. For more information contact us via WhatsApp at +256-702-400-500.